Though google drive was only recently launched, I would rate google drive above all because google has taken over the whole Internet today and after the launch of google plus, google has moved even into social media. This means that using google drove will give lots of additional benefits like sharing with our friends on google easily. Google drive had now become cross platform and they have developed apps for all platforms for easy usage.
Sky drive
Sky drive was one of the oldest online storage services launched by Microsoft three years back. Initially Microsoft used to give 25 GB space. But when windows 8 was planned they integrated sky drive into their latest version of windows. Now they tactfully reduced the space to 7 GB. However, this is the highest amount of size that you can get today among common online cloud storage drives and you can use it to storevideos and clips like
Maattrraan (Maatran) Tamil Movie trailers and teasers..
Box is a very good storage tool. Box generally gives a 5 GB storage space but it once had a promotional offer for iPhone and android devices giving them 50 GB of online space. I activated a couple of accounts at that time advised my friends to do the same at the earliest.
Dropbox is another old service and it is one of the most trusted service of online data storage. However, as of now they offer only 3GB for data storage and due to this limit no one is turning up to Dropbox now.
This feature is only available to iOS users and is launched by Apple. If you are using iPhone, iPador iPhone touch you can make settings that you photos and other data gets automatically uploaded to iCloud as soon as you make them.
Specs and features of iPad Mini shows that iCloud might be integrate with it too. This can help you to prevent accidental data losses from your iOS devices.
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