As per the heading , We can directly boot to Desktop on Windows 8.1 . In Windows 8 , we can only boot to the Metro desktop than ordinary one. We already mentioned Windows 8.1 in our previous posts. If you don't have Windows 8 , You can download it from here ( Link available ). This preview version can use up to next Januvary 14 . After that you need a product key to activate Windows 8.1. Windows 8.1 is not like Windows 8 , In Windows 8 , users have limited power to change or customize Metro desktop. Microsoft now allows users to customize Metro background and Settings in Windows 8.1 . In this post we show two Windows 8.1 Tips . First is , How to Boot Directly to Desktop and How to set Desktop background as a Metro Desktop background.
Windows 8.1 application
How to Boot Directly to Desktop
1 . Click right mouse button on Task bar's empty space
2. Click on Properties
3. Click on Navigation on the Taskbar and Navigation Properties box
Taskbar and Navigation properties
4. Then click on Apply , then OK
How to set Desktop Background as Start Menu / Metro Desktop Background
Windows 8.1 Metro Desktop
Metro Desktop Background
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