miniTube supports both streaming and Downloading , You can either watch or You can download videos at any Quality , say 360p or higher. Before you use miniTube , please ensure that you have AdobeFlash player and other multimedia plugins.
How to Install miniTube
You can use Software center , it is the easiest method. This method has some restrictions , software center may have an older version than the latest version. So we need to download it from the developer site. I downloaded the source code and compiled on my machine. In this tutorial , iwill explain How to Install latest miniTube on your System .
1. Download source code . Click on the latest release.After Download , You can find it inDownloads folder.
2. Prepare your System to compile and install programs. If you Installed Ubuntu from live USB disk , or downloaded from the Ubuntu website. You need to download and Install this package. This package helps you to compile and Install softwares from source code.
Open Terminal windows
Enter this line of code :
sudo apt-get install build-essential qt4-dev-tools libphonon-dev
Step one : Enter above code on Terminal
Enter your password and continue , Press Y if you want to install this package. Size of this package nearly 100-150 MB.
3. After installing this software , go back to Downloads folder , you can see the minitube.tar.bzfile . Select and right click on it . Then Extract here.
4. Go back to Terminal windows , navigate it to extracted the folder.
Type this line of code :
cd Downloads/minitube
This is on my computer. CD means change directory. If you download it in another place , give that destination.
5. Then enter this line
6. Enter next code
7. Wait unitll it finishes , it may take several times
8. If it finishes , then enter this line on Terminal
This code will run minitube 2.1
9.If you want to install this application run another code
sudo make install
10. Now you can search it on Unity Dash. You will see one icon ( Unknown ). Click on it
minitube 2.1
How to Install icon
1 Open Terminal and Enter this code
sudo cp Downloads/minitube/data/256x256/minitube.png /usr/share/icons/
Enter above code
Note : This code will work if and only if you extract it in Downloads folder.
You can see these images in Downloads/minitube/data folder
minitube on Unity Dash