Top 3 Scrolling, Floating Social Media Buttons for blogger

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so this new work is all about social share scrolling buttons widget to your blogger blog. Its very easy to use while adding it to blogger it also more easy just follow the setups the i tell it to you, you will easily get the scrolling social buttons to your blog.

You know that social points to any of the blog is much importance to get better look at natural level its also good for search engine and counted as a positive vote. Search engine bring positive visibility of the page URL which has more social votes to it. So now i am sharing this nice gadget to you that how to add it to blogger.
This gadgets look like these.

How To Add Animated Favicon In Blogger?

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Favicon is actually the icon that appears next to your Website URL in the browser address bar. A favicon is usually your blog logo. There are many free services that help to create favicons for you but most of these services use still images. I have used an animated favicon for my blog as you can see in your address bar. It actually consists of a logo and then my blog title as text. The image and text together makes a more beautiful combination. So lets jump at the tutorial and create an attractive cute favicon for your blog,

Scrolling Title in Browser title bar for blogspot

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One of the most common uses of JavaScript is to create a scrolling message in the browser's status line. You can create a scrolling message using the string methods you have learned in this hour.
To begin, you'll need to define the message to be scrolled. You will use a variable called msg to store the message. To begin the script, initialize the variable (feel free to choose your own text for the message):

Numbered Page Navigation for Blogger's Label

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Here is how the finished installation will appear in your blog:

Once installed, these "page numbers" will appear on your home, archive and labels pages, allowing your readers to easily access pages in your archives. However, the page numbers will not appear on individual post pages. I've noticed many blogs which use pagination like this, and among them none displayed these page links beneath individual posts.

To learn more about using the numbered pagination script for Blogger, pop over to Blogger Accessories to read the useful tutorials Mohamed has posted.

Limiting the number of posts in labels page

Limiting the number of posts in labels page

1 Comment
Step 1. In Your (New Design) Blogger Dashboard Click The Drop Down Menu For Your Blog > Choose Template > Then Edit Html

Step 2. Find the following code in your blogs html - it will be in your template a few times :

(Click Ctrl and F for a search bar


Step 3. Replace them all with the following code :

expr:href='data:label.url + "?max-results=6"'

How To Make A Simple Digital Clock Using Javascript

digital clock javascript !!!!!
i remember i have written a tutorial on making a clock using javascript before but i know that it was not explained and that codes were not clean so i thought make it again with nice codes . first we need to create a html document to make a the javascript codes work or make the javascript functions work so go ahead and create a new html document and type the regular html tags and under head tag add these codes

How To Make A Image Slider With PHP/HTML And Jquary

How To Make A Image Slider With PHP/HTML And Jquary

this is something very cool by the way we gonna make it with some simple jquery ok now follow the steps

first open your php editor and make a new php file now add the css style and save it as SlideShow.php

body {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px;}
.fadein {
position:relative; height:332px; width:500px; margin:0 auto;
background: url("") repeat-x scroll left top transparent;
padding: 10px;
.fadein img { position:absolute; left:10px; top:10px; }

How To Convert Numbers To Normal Text In PHP

How To Convert Numbers To Normal Text In PHP

i am up with a simple php thing this convert number  to text for instance if you enter 100 in the textbox and click the button the label will show the text form of 100 , hundred . below is the full code(s)

form code

<form action="" method="post">
<label>Enter Your Number
  <input name="textfield" onchange="convert_number_to_words()" type="text">
  <input value="Convert" type="submit">

How To Make A Random Text Generator In PHP


I don't do php at all but this is something I had to learn so to begin our Text Generator open your favorite Text Editor, I have Sublime Text 3 beta. First add the usual html>head>body tags and close the tags, after that let's add our css after body tag add these codes. 

How To Make A Stopwatch In VB.NET

Today i am going to teach you how to make a stopwatch in visual basic 2008/ visual basic 2010 the features are start, stop, mark and reset this is not a advanced stopwatch, but this has the basic features of a stopwatch probably this is for beginners so lets get started with opening your visual basic 2008 / visual basic 2010

1 . Create a new project
2 . Add a label, 4 buttons, 1 listbox and a timer
3 . Go to timer properties and change timer interval to 1 
4 . I recommend you to arrange your tools like this

How To Make A Folder Locker In VB.NET

Creating a program that can lock your folders and unlock them again

1. Open Visual Studio or Visual Basic.
2. Create a new windows form project and name it whatever you want.

Now to add the controls.
1. Add 3 buttons set the text on them to "Lock" and the second button "Unlock". And on the last button you write "Browse".
2. Add 2 textboxes and clear them for text.
3. Add 2 labels, write in Label1 "Folder Destination" and put it above Textbox1, Write in Label2 "Folder Name".
4. Add a folderbrowser dialog
6. Add this code to the button that says "Lock".

How To Make Text Scroll Up Effect In VB.NET

How To Make Text Scroll Up Effect In VB.NET

hello guys this is a cool one about scrolling text to up and you know you have seen something like this when using other application for example when you go to the about form on some applications you can see they have the scrolling text to up like the credits of the application and etc goes up so it would be cool to make your own about form like that so i am just up with this and i hope you will benefit from it and i have to tell the video which you see is not a quality one . create a project and name it whatever and when the form loading done just do things you usually do in the properties of the form and etc . now add a label and a timer and you see the label and timer are the controls you need and they are the most important now add the text whatever you(lorem ipsum) want to , inside the label1 text and now go to timer properties and enabled = true and set the interval to 30 and now double click your form and just add these codes

Public Class Form1

    'Author : Mohamed Shimran
    'Blog :

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        If Label1.Top = -Label1.Height Then
            Label1.Top = Label1.Height
            Label1.Top -= 1
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

How To Make A Advance Calculator In VB.NET

Today we are going to make an advanced calculator(no), this is how our calculator looks like after designing it.

How To Convert Numbers To Text Using VB.NET

hello this a tutorial which helps you now what this actually do is , when you enter some numbers ie:1000 and click the button you will one thousand in the converted richtextbox so i am using a class here and i have 2 richtextbox and a button ok now lets make it add two rich textbox and a button now change button text to convert and add labels to make the program look good and now add a class and name it convert.vb add this codes inside the convert.vb

<span class="IL_AD" id="IL_AD7">Public</span> Class Convert

#Region " Constructor "

    Public Sub New(ByVal amount As Long, ByVal style As ConvertStyle)
        m_amount = amount
        m_style = style
    End Sub
Top 5 Best Emulators for Android 2014

Top 5 Best Emulators for Android 2014

We all have played a lot of video games when we were small, and no doubt many of us still have fondness for them. They are few of those priceless memories that we do not want to fade away. But with the advancement of technology, those consoles as well as those games have lost in time and now it is really very hard to find those games in the market.

Top 5 Best Emulators for Android 2014

We all have played a lot of video games when we were small, and no doubt many of us still have fondness for them. They are few of those priceless memories that we do not want to fade away. But with the advancement of technology, those consoles as well as those games have lost in time and now it is really very hard to find those games in the market.
3 Best iPhone / iPad Emulators for PC Download

3 Best iPhone / iPad Emulators for PC Download

Just as popular as the android emulators go up the most wanted list , with people wanting to have a feel of Android apps in their PC , there is also an equally increasing demand for iPhone / iPad emulators.In other words, IOS emulators .By virtue of reading this post  you can use any types of iOS games and apps from within your PCs. For beginners, Emulator, is simply a tool that emulates;i.e. just creates another an environment like the application you want to test out in your pc, so in this case a tool that lets you allow to download and install all of your favorite iOS apps and games on your PC.

Best iPhone / iPad Emulators for PC Download

iPhone Emulator
How to Run Windows Apps and Software on MacBook and iMac

How to Run Windows Apps and Software on MacBook and iMac

Apple Mac OS has always been very specific regarding its functionality, openness as well as regarding the applications that could run on it. Although the OS does not have a lot of applications that could run on it when compared to Windows, still it is one of the most popular as well as most used OS in the world.

How to Create Windows 10 Custom ISO File

How to Create Windows 10 Custom ISO File

Windows recently revealed the latest version of Windows, i.e. Windows 10 which is really pretty amazing as well as a lot better than all the previous Windows that have been released till date. The new Windows offers you a lot of new features that were not present in the previous versions and all that for free. Yes, Microsoft released a statement few months back that they are going to give Windows 10 for free to everyone.
WIndows 10

How to Remove Showing Posts With Label in Blogger

For any default Blogger layout, the "Showing posts with label" message shows up above the posts each time you click on a label link. As it's a pretty useless and annoying message, many people like to have it removed. If that is your wish, just follow the tutorial below:

Removing "Showing post with all posts"

Step 1. Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML (if necessary, click on Proceed button)

Firefox Browser APK Download for Android Free

Firefox Browser APK Download for Android Free

FireFox is one of the most popular web browser app which is available since many years. Nowadays, there are people who are more into Smartphones. For that, we have almost everything as an app for different smartphones. Firefox Browser too is now available as an individual app for Android Smartphones. The app is for free and you can easily start using it from your own Android Smartphone. The app gives you the best experience to explore web with a better way. Firefox Browser APK Download for Android free is now available. More details along with proper download links are as follows! Take a look!

There are a number of different web browser apps available to use from your Android Smartphone. However, people do make use of just one or two web browser apps from their devices. If you want to change the default web browser app of your Android device, Firefox Browser is here. Firefox is studded with a list of advanced features to surf the web instantly. You can save up things and can do a lot of other things within the app on the go. To know more about this browser, have a look on to the following list of its features. Here’s the list!

Features of Firefox Browser for AndroidMozilla Firefox for Android 1

How to Run and Use Firefox OS Apps on Android Devices

How to Run and Use Firefox OS Apps on Android Devices

Everyone knows what Mozilla Firefox is! It’s a popular web browser with a massive fan following globally. Most of the computer users are quite familiar with Firefox web browser and its functionality. However, Firefox has recently its own private OS for some of the devices. Talking about Android, Firefox is officially available for Android, which means you are not allowed to make use of Firefox and its apps right from your current Android Smartphone instantly. Don’t go amazed, following tutorial will give you a plenty of more shocks as we have prepared a tutorial on, how to run and use Firefox apps on Android devices. Let’s get on to the tutorial.

How to Run and Use Firefox OS Apps on Android Devices

5 Best Android Ad Blocker Apps to Block Ads

5 Best Android Ad Blocker Apps to Block Ads

Everyone likes to Play Games on their smartphones, but sometimes it’s completely annoying when you suddenly got an Ad Pop-ups on your Android screen and it may be possible while you are working with other apps. Whenever you open your web browser, you can see a lot of ads on the web pages that’s sometimes makes you very Irritating. The Best way to stop these ads is to use an Ad Blocking apps for Android so it would save your time while browsing web pages. But how to choose an Ad Blocking app for your android phone because you don’t know about the features of these apps. So, here I am going to discuss about 5 best Android ad blocker apps that might be helpful to you.
Android Ad Blocker
How to Block Unwanted Ads on Android Apps, Games & Browsers

How to Block Unwanted Ads on Android Apps, Games & Browsers

Annoyed with all the unwanted ads while using your Android device? Want to get rid of such unwanted ads from apps, games and browser? I am sure you were looking for the same process since for many times. Well, it’s available not. Today from here you are going to learn, how to block unwanted ads on Android apps, games & browsers with a simple step by step detailed tutorial. We have managed to prepare this tutorial for all the users who have suggested us. Go and follow this tutorial and get rid of all the unwanted ads from your Android device. 
AdBlockPlus, the app which is completely a user friendly one to block down all the unwanted and annoying ads from your Android device instantly. The app is not officially available, however, it can be installed from its unofficial version. The app has over 50 Million users globally. Of course, there are a number of different such adblocker apps available for your Android device, however this AdBlockPlus is the only trusted app till the date.
AdBlockPlus serves a complete user friendly and decent user interface with which any Android user can stop such unwanted ads from different apps and games. What’s more do you need? You are here to prevent your phone with ads and other flashes while using your browser. Well, just like a PC, you can block such ads on your Android device too with AdBlockPlus app. See how you can install this app on your current Android device from the following simple steps.

How to Block Unwanted Ads on Android Apps, Games & Browsers

Step 1 :
Go to the official website of AdBlockPlus. There you can see a number of different options to install AdBlockPlus app to your PC’s different browsers and on your Android device. Kindly follow the below given link to download AdBlockPlus on your Android device.
Download AdBlockPlus for Android
Step 2 :
After this, go to your settings option and then go to the personal option. Make sure to allow installing from unknown sources on your device.
How to Remove Ads from Android Apps

How to Remove Ads from Android Apps

Android users well understand the pain of downloading a free app or game from Google Play. Almost all the free apps bring with them handful of ads that makes the experience annoying of using the app. These ads keep popping on the screen every then and now and this is not-at-all something we android users like even a bit.
But do you know you can remove ads form your Android device? Yes, getting rid of these ads is fairly easy and below are two of the best methods to do the same. So take a look at how to remove ads from your android device.

Ways to Remove Adds from Android Apps

Remove Ads using Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus
How to Reset a Lost Admin Password in Mac OS X

How to Reset a Lost Admin Password in Mac OS X

Lost Password of your Mac system? Unable to Log in to your Mac OS X? If you are stuck with the same problem, there’s a trick to get back or reset the whole Mac Password of your system. I am sure, you are eagerly waiting to learn this process of resetting or getting a new password of your Mac OS X. We have prepared a detailed tutorial about, how to reset a lost Admin Password in Mac OS X. You just need to follow the below given tutorial in order to learn it.

How To Reset an Admin Password in Mac OS X?

Step 1 :
Make sure to visit the System Preferences option by clicking on to the Apple’s logo.
Reset Password in Mac 2
How to Disable or Remove the “Unlock Keyring” Dialogue Box in Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint)

How to Disable or Remove the “Unlock Keyring” Dialogue Box in Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint)

Keyring Manager Application is a brilliant new app for security reasons in Ubuntu. This application stores and manages all the passwords for your credentials so that your computer and files on it remain safe. And though this application is highly recommended but still some people feel very annoyed being asked to enter password every time they use a particular app. Those users who are running it on their private computers like laptop feel this app of no use and rather time wasting.
Unlock Keyring
How to Protect Your Facebook Account From Hackers

How to Protect Your Facebook Account From Hackers

Facebook, World’s most popular Social Networking website, offers a huge number of services for all types of people around the globe. It’s not just made for connecting people of the globe, with Facebook you can build up a network of all the like minded quality people. You can communicate with Businessmen or web developers and others instantly. With Facebook page, you can advertise your branding. You can take parts in Facebook ads and much more. So, it’s kind of a whole new world for the people who are working on Internet. Talking about security issue, your account can be hacked by hackers if some things are not taken care of. Today, you are going to get a ways to protect your Facebook Account from Hackers. So that no one can hack your account ever. Let’s get on to the main point.

How To Install Apple ios On Android Smartphone

How To Transform A Android Smartphone In To A apple Ios Device .

Do You Want To Make Your Android Device Apple ios Device ? Do The Search History Of Your Browser Contains Searches Like How To Flash Apple ios On Android Phone . Then Your Search Is Over . Today Our Guide Is Meant for Those Guys Who Want to Update Android to Apple ios Operating System .  
Before Going to The Post Let us Clear Some Of Your Doubts Regarding The Apple ios And Android Os . Both makes Two Different Meanings . 
Apple ios Means :- Apple Iphone Operating System 
Android Os Means :- Android Operating System .

How to Set up Khmer Unicode for Mac

Now you can get Khmer Unicode working on Mac. You can browse webpages with your favorite browser or use word processing with Khmer Unicode. Khmer Unicode works on Mac with fonts designed by Mr. Danh Hong. You will need the Khmer Keyboard driver for typing Khmer.The downloads are all free. The instruction also shows how to configure Open Office Word to render Khmer Unicode properly and setup keyboard shortcuts.
Install Khmer Unicode using Khmer Unicode MacOSX Lite 2.1 Installer
Download installer Khmer Unicode for MAC OSX
Double click on the zip file to extract in your Download directory. You can optionally read the pdf included in the extract ReadBeforeInstall.pdf.
Now run installer by double click on:KUMACOSXV21.mpkg
Follow the install instruction:
Click “Continue” in the welcome screen

How to install Khmer unicode and keyboard on Mac

1. Khmer Unicode
a) Download: Please select Khmer Font(s) you would like to download:

Click here to download Khmer Font that looks like picture above

How to delete google account

How to delete google account

Once you delete your Google Account, you'll no longer be able to use the following:
  1. Services that require you to sign in, like Gmail, Drive, and Calendar.
  2. Data associated with your account, including emails, photos, and records of transactions.
  3. Subscriptions on YouTube.
Step to delete:
1st: sign in google account
2nd: go My Account