Command Prompt in Windows 10 – Make it transparent!

Command Prompt in Windows 10 – Make it transparent!

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The Command Prompt in Windows 10conhost.exe, gets several new features.Not only does it get a new code, and improved editing features, you can also make it go full-screen or make it transparent. Let us take a look at some of the new features in the console before we see how to make the CMD windows transparent.

New features on Command Prompt in Windows 10

  1. The Command Prompt gets several architecture update. Since Windows Vista, all console functionality has lived in this single conhost executable. The primary function of Conhost.exe now is to load either a DLL containing the original console or one that contains our new code.
  2. The Command Prompt windows can now go full-screen 80 characters wide was just fine. You can grab the edge and pull the console window wider. Clicking on the Maximize button will make it go full-screen.
Were You Aware of All These Sensors In Your Smartphone?

Were You Aware of All These Sensors In Your Smartphone?

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Smartphones have gone through an incredible evolution in the last decade. We are moving to an era where our smartphones are becoming more like personal assistants, monitoring our behavior, tracking our movements and anticipating our needs. A large part of this evolution is enabled by sensor technology.

Types of Sensors Used in Automobile Engine

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Types of car sensors
Today’s modern automobiles have a variety of sensors. They built into their engine to ensure that the owner can identify and prevent possible issues before they result in breakdowns can result in expensive repairs. These automobile engine sensors also ensure that the vehicle is operating at its most efficient. Many owners are not even aware of the amount of sensors built into their automobiles engine and what value they add. This is the list of main car sensors and their functions compiled by Car From Japan‘s auto expert.